Change to your spotify subscription email
Change to your spotify subscription email

change to your spotify subscription email change to your spotify subscription email

Enter your email address and click SEND.Please try it again, following these steps: If you’re having trouble using the new password to log into Spotify, try the steps Open the password reset link in a new web browser, or a private browsing window in your current one.Request a new password reset link and try that one.Make sure you entered the correct email address (or username) for your Spotify account.If you’re not receiving the password reset email: Type your new password again in Repeat new password.Check your email inbox for an email from us with the subject “Reset your password”.Enter your email address or username in Email address or username.Log out of the Spotify app and website.Type your new password in Repeat new password.Type your new password in New password.Type your current password in Current password.Go to the Spotify password change page.Note: If you have a Fa.ce-bo.ok-created account, you should now be able to reset your Spotify password without changing your Fa.ce-bo.ok one. Spotify Forgot Password ? Step to Reset/ Change PasswordĬhanging your passwords regularly is a good idea, so we’ve made it easy to do. Return to Reset password and you should be able to request a reset. Click on your name at the top and choose Log Out.ģ. If you get redirected to your online profile (where you need to current password to make the change), you are still logged into the website. Make sure that you are logged out of Spotify first. Go back to link and you would be able to reset your password. If you get redirected to "Edit your Profile", click on your name at the top of the page and select log out.ģ. Reset Spotify Password - Spotify Password ChangeĢ.

Change to your spotify subscription email